Buddhaful Britt

C'mon Inner Peace… I Don't Have All Damn Day

An Ant Named Bob

Google Images labeled for re-use: via Soil net

Google Images labeled for re-use: via Soil net

Buddhists say, “Do no harm”, it’s kind of their thing.

I try very hard to do no harm consciously to a bug, animal or even people, but I’m not perfect; none of us are.

There are Buddhists who walk with a broom, sweeping from side to side with each step to clear the path from all living beings that may be in harms way of the giant feet that may smoosh them like… well, a bug.


I was in Costa Rica sitting on a lounge chair when an ant bit my leg while I was minding my own business watching the waves. Without thinking, I swiped the lil sucker off my leg and didn’t think much about him until later from the corner of my eye, I saw five more ants.  These guys apparently came to the rescue of the bugger I had inadvertently partially paralyzed.


I know this, because he was wiggling around in circles due to smooshed legs and/or other body parts. These rescue ants were obviously in deep conversation about what to do with this terrible dilemma that has happened to their friend, whom I called Bob.

Fascinated by the determination of these little suckers, I watched for about an hour out of sympathy… and their work ethic about getting this job, what ever that may be, accomplished.

Google Images labeled for re-use: Via Wikimedia Commons

Google Images labeled for re-use: Via Wikimedia Commons

At this point, I must say… I am completely sober,  yes, completely sober in every way… It’s hard to believe, I’m sure.

But, I watched Bob the ant and all of his friends try to figure out what to do with this immobile, circulating insect who was probably in excruciating pain from a quick flick of my hand.

I felt a slight sense of remorse and guilt creep in, especially after his friends were forming a mob and public outcry to save Bob from the gigantic beast.

In my defense though… Bob bit me for no reason what so ever!


One of the ants would start to carry their friend away… you know those freaking super bugs can carry like 8x the weight of what we could carry if we were their size, or something like that… right?

I’m not so sure my 4th grade science teacher was correct though, because Bob seemed to be quite heavy, or maybe his flailing other 2 legs were throwing Priscilla off balance?

(shoosh, yes, Priscilla, she’s my favorite)

Google Images labeled for re-use: Via Flikr commons

Google Images labeled for re-use: Via Flikr commons

As Priscilla was trying to carry Bob away, another annoying guy would run up to her, all freaking out, like, “wait no, don’t move him until the ambulance arrives”.

All I could think was, DUDE… there is no ambulance… Ya know? You need to figure this shit out… PRONTO, Bob is dying!

I was sitting there helpless; witness to a crime that I had unknowingly and regretfully committed.

Google Images labeled for re-use: Public domain

Google Images labeled for re-use: Public domain

I watched this scene play out like the silent, clumsy, giant I am. I saw the responsible, ambulance calling ant nag at Priscilla. They would gather together in the most neurotic manner, running between each other as if playing a game of “telephone” where they whisper into their friends ears… or what ever ants have.

Do they have ears? They must, because those bugs were flipping out! This whole fascinating scenario (or completely uninteresting) got me to thinking about basic needs.

We all need a group of people who will be there when the giant, surfer watching bitch paralyzes us.

Bob did not seem to have more than these five friends. The rest of the ants would keep walking and pass by; dutifully doing their job of searching for crumbs for the pregnant queen.

Bob though, Bob had friends.

Google Images labeled for re-use: science org

Google Images labeled for re-use: science org

I think.


The moral of this story is… well, maybe there is no real moral beside acknowledging that when you are truly relaxed, you can watch an ant colony for an hour giving them names and personalities… THAT is a good frame of mind to have.

When was the last time you relaxed so completely, with absolutely nothing worrying you, nothing on your mind, nothing to think about except THIS present moment?

…Noticing every second as if it were a minute long; having heightened awareness about the tiny microcosms around you?

Once I snapped out of my immersion into the world of Bob and Priscilla, I felt refreshed and more alive than I had been in years. It was an hour long meditation where my mind had been cleansed and freed from all conscious and stressful things. Like a child at play, I was living in the moment… completely.

Try to find that child-like innocence. Disconnect from the electronic devices and find your own inner world of peace.


Follow my journey @ BuddhafulBritt.com



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This entry was posted on January 23, 2016 by in Britt's Banter, Buddhaful, Inspiratus and tagged , , , , , .

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