Buddhaful Britt

C'mon Inner Peace… I Don't Have All Damn Day

Toxic Root Canal

Google Images labeled for re-use: via you tube

Google Images labeled for re-use: via you tube

The latest whispering going on in the alternative medicine community is about the negative effects of root canals. They claim 97% of cancer patients have root canals; they say toxins leak from the tooth, creating havoc on the body in more ways than you can imagine.

Most of their information comes from a study done in the early 1900’s which you can read —> HERE

As I’ve mentioned, my health has been somewhat of a mystery for the past 10 years. It seems I have something which resembles Multiple Sclerosis, but is not Lyme disease. I have been “officially” diagnosed with Optic Neuritis and Nystagmus, (both are pre-cursors to MS) but nothing concrete as far as an official MS diagnosis, thus far.

I suffer from heat-intolerance; I’ve never been able to spend more than a minute or two in a Jacuzzi, but over the last few years it seems any outside “humid” temperature above 87 degrees Fahrenheit sparks vision problems instantly. My body literally slows down to something resembling a sloth. Everything goes in slow motion and all I want is to desperately find some air condition. Gluten intolerance does this as well, but I’m fairly “Gluten-free.”

Needless to say, I NEED answers and the traditional allopathic doctors tend to think it’s all in my head.

They aren’t with me during those episodes where I sleep for five days straight; they don’t see my sight morph into tunnel vision, they don’t live with the twitching, numbness or cold/hot sensations throughout my body.

No, I’m making it all up, right?

I found a doctor, an endocrinologist, who specializes in alternative medicine. He is one of the best our country has; with him I began this alternative medicine journey.

Two years ago, he told me that the cause of my problems was a root canal on my lower left side.

Now, it was an old root canal of maybe 15-plus years, but a few years prior it had erupted and I paid $1,800 to have it re-done. Because of the price, I was NOT about to throw money down the drain for a tooth that was not causing me any pain. Especially since this was such a controversial subject, catch my drift?

So, my doctor gave me some IV Ozone therapy which helped for about 4 months. I love that stuff… and swear by it; after only a few IV sessions I was back to running and yoga.

Life looked bright and sunny again.

But, sadly, a few times a year I’d be back to sleeping five days in a row, twitching, double vision and other bizarre symptoms.  AAAAnd, then I would have go back for more Ozone IV… which is very costly I might add. 

Last month, I went to my doctor during a bad episode, and he reiterated… “you NEED that tooth out.” Hesitantly, I had no other choice but do some research, which ultimately convinced me to make the appointment.


Here is my experience, this is not advise, I’m not a doctor:

May 10th 2016: I went to a dentist who was extremely interested in my story. He told me that he is not allowed to say things about root canals being toxic or they would take his license, he simply listened.


Of course, the x-ray showed there was absolutely nothing wrong with my tooth. There was no infection to be seen, and in fact, he said it was textbook “healthy.” He left me in the room for a minute to make my decision about pulling a “healthy” root canal or not.

After I told him I still wanted the dead tooth out of my body, it was only THEN he started telling me stories of SEVERAL other oral-surgeons who were doing the same thing. It seems this was a covert mission, and I’m one of first few who have opted to get this done; the whole thing was fascinating. He didn’t claim to agree with the hypothesis; he only recanted numerous stories of other surgeons he personally knew who were doing the same thing. BUT, he asked me to return in six months to let him know if my symptoms have dissipated or not.

The extraction process was long, painful and borderline torturous.

The surgeon said as healthy as my tooth looked, it was extremely fragile and broke into a hundred bits. He said, “I didn’t expect your tooth to shatter with how good it looked from the x-ray.” Meaning, my tooth was porous; harmful bacteria “could” have been leaking into my bloodstream if the theory is correct.

May 11, 2016: I’m still in pain from the brutal mouth surgery; my jaw is killing me. BUT… even with the pain I’m feeling, I am also feeling energetic. I don’t feel as hazy as I normally do each afternoon. It could be a coincidence, but I feel somewhat “normal” today. We shall see… I’ve had many, many good days mixed in with my foggy brain days; I can’t get too excited.

May 12th, 2016: DRY SOCKET… I woke up at 3am with a throbbing but tolerable pain. I took 800 mg ibuprofen and went back to sleep. Somewhere around 11am the pain was back, but worse. I called the dentist and the receptionist told me “if it is dry socket YOU WILL KNOW.” SO, I assumed it was just pain from the excruciating surgery, but by 5pm I couldn’t take it anymore. I stuck the iPhone in my mouth for a photo and saw “THE HOLE.” My worst fear was happening… dry socket it is.


Luckily, my husband is from India where they use natural products;  he told me to buy clove oil. After looking it up, I placed a few drops on some gauze and my pain was gone.   For now.   Back to the dentist tomorrow.

The most interesting thing though, even with all this pain I’m feeling, my husband says that I seem “twinkly and sparkly.” This has always been his nick-name for me, but he claims that I had lost my sparkle for awhile. Dry Socket is not a time I’d expect my husband to notice a positive personality change, but he swears I have more energy and happiness.

Again, I am skeptical, especially until this tooth is healed.

May 21st, 2016: Well, the last twelve days have been absolute hell on earth. Dry socket is not anything I would wish on my worst enemy. BUT, I seem to be over the hump, and last night I slept without my 2am wake-up-call of a painful, throbbing, mouth.

I’ve learned some things about dry socket, clove oil is amazing, but I ended up allergic to it. Turmeric, because my husband swears it cures everything… this time, I give him credit where credit is due. Use turmeric!

Oregano oil.. a few drops in bottle of water to make an antiseptic rinse? Priceless.

Next… COLLOIDAL SILVER!!!! Ding, ding ding, and we found the winner-winner chicken-dinner. A few drops directly into the hole last night, and today I didn’t need the 800 mg ibuprofen I’ve been surviving on.

OK, this post was supposed to be about my my life AFTER having the toxic root-canal pulled. Well, through all my pain these last twelve days, I can say this… I am awake. I have organized my bathroom cabinets, and stay awake until at least 11:30 pm, which is usually not the case because I was always too tired.

I absolutely feel less “Brain-Fog.”

But… twice in the last two-ish weeks I have gone outside to help my son with a project for school and got overheated. There was a storm coming one day, and my eyes were definitely not “better.” It was hot and humid, nothing has changed in that regard…

June 7th, 2016: Heat intolerance appears to be gone! The last week has been hot and humid, we even had Tropical Storm Colin come through the area and I was out with my son playing on the beach. My avoidance of bright-sunlight also seems gone. It’s very strange but my only “symptom” right now is an eye twitch in my lower left eyelid which has been there for months. I have no afternoon headaches, no migraines and no need for a nap. In fact… I feel like I am 15 years younger. I did notice after the tooth extraction my face broke out with cystic acne for about two weeks, but that’s almost gone.

As of right now, I’m hopeful, happy and energetic; a feeling I haven’t felt in a VERY long time. I’m curious though, maybe I should go sit in the Jacuzzi and see what happens?

June 10th, 2016: It’s been one month since the extraction. I’d like to explain something first, I live in Florida; today was forecast to be 92 degrees with 90% humidity, normally this would terrify me. I just spent the entire morning and afternoon doing errands with zero desire to come home because of an abundance of energy. When I walked out of each store I was practically dancing on clouds. Usually, the intense heat smacks me in the face; a simple walk from the front door of Target to my car is excruciating, but not today… not in the last few weeks.

It’s hot, yes, but bearable and almost enjoyable.

A few important things I’d like to mention: First, starting a day after the extraction my entire face broke out with cystic acne. The breakout lasted about two weeks, maybe a little more. Eventually, I used the colloidal silver drops on my face which helped.  But, my heat intolerance symptoms dissipating seemed to coincide with the acne breakout going away as well… possibly the bacteria leaving my body?

Second, weight gain. Oddly enough, I have gained about ten pounds in the last month. The only thing I can attribute it to is the fact that I was eating more gluten and carbs… such as mashed potatoes or macaroni and cheese because of the immense hole in my mouth, being unable to chew.

But, I’m constantly HUNGRY. Why? I have no idea.

Third, despite the weight gain, I have been consistently and easily walking 10,000 daily steps again. It is in my nature to crave exercise, but lately that has been unobtainable. Just going for a simple walk in the Florida heat used to take everything out of me.  I’m looking forward to returning to a thriving yoga practice very soon, maybe even jogging again.

I’m going to leave this post sit here for now. I plan on updating in a few months to see if my symptoms return, or if this extraction was in fact the miracle I think it may have been. My fingers and toes are crossed with hope.

I am DYING to hear your stories on this. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, let me know your experience. I do understand how controversial this whole process is, and I’d love to know I’m not alone.

Life is Buddhaful.

UPDATE May 2017:

It has been nearly one year since my root canal extraction, and I am SHOCKED to say, that I have been living a completely normal life. The heat intolerance is GONE, double vision GONE, migraines GONE. I no longer dread the humid summers in Florida, in fact I spend most of my days on the beach with my son, he is a competitive Skimboarder.

I fought getting this tooth out with every ounce of my being, but I can honestly say that it was life changing. The numbness in my left hand, GONE. I still have slight muscular twitches on occasion, like my upper right thigh. I still have some eyesight degeneration, but nothing that really bothers me.

Can I say for sure that whatever I had is not in remission? No.  But I am hopeful. I have had a year of incredible health and attribute that to my root canal extraction. Absolutely.  


11 comments on “Toxic Root Canal

  1. cabhara
    June 11, 2016

    glad you are feeling better!


    • Britt
      June 11, 2016

      Thank you. I’m hopeful this was the solution.


  2. Tyra
    June 14, 2016

    I’ve never had a root canal but I do have a molar that an old filling came out of about two years ago. I’m scheduled for an extraction on July 11th (soonest I could be seen) and I’m hoping it solves a lot of my tired brain fog days. I’ve got a front tooth that may eventually need a root canal tho. Did yours have a crown on it?


    • Britt
      June 14, 2016

      It did have a crown. I would never get another root canal. Please do some research. I personally would opt for a bridge if I ever need it next time.


      • Tyra
        October 10, 2019

        Ha! So I’m getting a crown next Tuesday, no root canal needed! Hallelujah! If it ever comes down to it I will probably get a bridge there


      • Britt
        October 10, 2019

        That’s what I did!!!! No regrets


  3. Pingback: Easy Breezy DIY: Anti-Wrinkle Miracle | Buddhaful Britt

  4. Andriana C
    July 26, 2018

    Hello! love your blog! I’m in the Tampa area and dating a Desi man. ❤ Would be cool to meet up and have lunch or something one day. We are often at the beach.

    I'm very interested in the name of the Endocrinologist you saw.

    I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. After following my own traditional allopathic doctor, I had my thryroid gland removed—BIG mistake.

    Who is the Endocrinologist you saw? May I please have his contact information?, He probably can also assist me.

    So so so appreciate you and your writing. My boyfriend and I are constantly bickering but it's not unhealthy. One of your posts mentioned that this is the first time you've felt that your relationship was quieting you.. and I actually have that same feeling;….. Nowwww… for his parents… LOL that's news to come.


  5. Andriana
    July 26, 2018

    Hello! love your blog! I’m in the Tampa area and dating a Desi man. ❤ Would be cool to meet up and have lunch or something one day. We are often at the beach.

    I'm very interested in the name of the Endocrinologist you saw.

    I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. After following my own traditional allopathic doctor, I had my thryroid gland removed—BIG mistake.

    Who is the Endocrinologist you saw? May I please have his contact information?, He probably can also assist me.

    So so so appreciate you and your writing. My boyfriend and I are constantly bickering but it's not unhealthy. One of your posts mentioned that this is the first time you've felt that your relationship was quieting you.. and I actually have that same feeling;….. Nowwww… for his parents… LOL that's news to come.


  6. Andriana
    July 26, 2018

    Hello! love your blog! I’m in the Tampa area and dating a Desi man. ❤ Would be cool to meet up and have lunch or something one day. We are often at the beach.

    I'm very interested in the name of the Endocrinologist you saw.

    I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. After following my own traditional allopathic doctor, I had my thryroid gland removed—BIG mistake.

    Who is the Endocrinologist you saw? May I please have his contact information?, He probably can also assist me.

    So so so appreciate you and your writing. My boyfriend and I are constantly bickering but it's not unhealthy. One of your posts mentioned that this is the first time you've felt that your relationship was quieting you.. and I actually have that same feeling;….. Nowwww… for his parents… LOL that's news to come.


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